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Washing machine CLEANfleX-ex

With the washing machine type CLEANfleX-ex, the company RENZMANN from Monzingen presents its successor model of the washing machine type 100 from the series of systems to be loaded from above. In times of declining run-time and more frequent job changes, the efficient cleaning of ink-carrying printing unit components is becoming increasingly important

The CLEANfleX-ex washing machine cleans ink trays, doctor blades, buckets and other printing press parts with solvents.

Particularly thorough and gentle cleaning

A short spray distance in combination with a high spray pressure ensures the good cleaning result. The process is supported by oscillating rotational movements of the spray pipes. The CLEANfleX is loaded at a comfortable height from above. Like its predecessor, the model is robust, easy to maintain and meets all safety requirements for solvent washing machines.

The usable height of the system is 400 mm, the width 600 mm. Three length variants are available: 1000, 1500 and 2000 mm.

In contrast to the previous model, the CLEANfleX has a specially shaped lid, which allows convenient loading and is equipped with a pneumatic clamping device. The measurement of the filling volume in the detergent container, sealed off to the washing chamber, is carried out by a hydrostatic measurement. Several filling levels are recorded and displayed on the control cabinet.  Large-sized, externally removable screen baskets protect pumps, piping and spray systems from contamination. These screen baskets are easily accessible placed on the back of the system.

The system is completely made of stainless steel.  

The CLEANfleX is available in the following variants:

CLEANfleX-ex : for solvents with flash point < 55°C

CLEANfleX: for solvents with flash point > 55°C

CLEANFleX-aqua: mild – and highly alkaline cleaner

Über die RENZMANN GmbH

D.W. RENZMANN GmbH develops and produces industrial washing machines and solvent distillation systems for environmentally friendly and efficient cleaning of flexoclichés. More than 50 years of know-how make the ATEX-certified company D.W. RENZMANN a competent partner for the removal of highly adhesive impurities of printing unit and accessories. The medium-sized company, based in Monzingen (Rhineland-Palatinate), also specialises in the handling of combustible solvents and aggressive cleaning media. In addition to the development, production and distribution of the cleaning and distillation plants, D.W. RENZMANN GmbH also offers its customers comprehensive service and consulting services related to washroom solutions. D.W. RENZMANN Apparatebau GmbH has a worldwide presence of more than 75 representatives and sales partners.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 1
55569 Monzingen
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-0
Telefax: +49 (6751) 878-111

Heike Beenen
Marketing & Sales
Telefon: +49 (6751) 878-290
Fax: +49 (6751) 8785291
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