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Introduction to the Market Surveillance Regulation 2021 (Webinar | Online)

The new Market Surveillance Regulation will take effect on 16 July 2021 and will facilitate the exercise of comprehensive cross-border powers and mutual exchange of information between market surveillance authorities. End users will likewise play a role in informing the relevant authorities. We therefore advise you to make preparations now and to close any conformity gaps in order to gain an advantage over non-compliant competitors when the Market Surveillance Regulation officially enters into force. This webinar will show you the basics about the new Market Surveillance Regulation and how you can best prepare for it. 


  • Presentation of the Market Surveillance Regulation
  • How can I best prepare for the Market Surveillance Regulation and make use of it in my interests?

Speakers: Dr. Martin Büscher, trade-e-bility GmbH & Christopher Blauth, get-e-right GmbH

Attention: This webinar (and many more webinars around legally secure trading in Europe / worldwide) will take place once a month in 2021 – find your desired date now on our website -> Academy | trade-e-bility GmbH ( Also webinars in English, in-house trainings & seminars (as soon as possible again with Corona).

Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 01. Juli 2021 14:00 – 15:00

Eventort: Online

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:

trade-e-bility GmbH
Schloßstr, 8 d-e
22041 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 75068730 – 0
Telefax: +49 (40) 54090410-9

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